The postings on this blog with some of the biggest hit counts are those regarding RAF Bomber Command No. 626 Squadron, with which my father flew during the war. I thought it time to add a little more information regarding his operational record.
Here is a partial list -- culled from material provided to me by Dave Stapleton of The 626 Squadron Research Project -- of "ops" flown by Flying Officer A.R. Screen and crew:
Date - Target - Notes
12 March
1945 - Dortmund
13 March
1945 - Herne - The target was a Benzol Plant
23 March 1945 - Bremen
14 April
1945 - Potsdam
22 April 1945 - Bremen - Mission abandoned on Master Bomber’s orders.
With the Allied forces
now advancing well into Germany, Bomber Command
now turned its attention to humanitarian sorties and 626 Squadron was
similarly tasked. (The Squadron’s Lancasters were converted to carry sacks of food in the bomb bays. Each aircraft carried 284 sacks; these were dropped from 500ft.) The crew flew two of these sorties:
30 April 1945 - Rotterdam - Operation Manna
2 May 1945 - Rotterdam - Operation Manna
Special thanks to:
Dave Stapleton
The 626 Squadron Research
Copyright 2010 ©
Post script:
A few weeks ago I was telling a friend how young these guys were who flew in RAF Bomber Command. My dad was nineteen; his crewmates would have been that age or a year or two older. I joked with my buddy that if this particular aircrew was known for doing something special during the war, and a movie were made about their experiences, the guy in the role of my dad would probably be an actor in his late twenties or early thirties. And Flying Officer Screen would no doubt be played by someone like Johnny Depp.
Film producers, who aren't known for being a bright lot to begin with, often miss on details like the above.