Wednesday, December 25, 2024

LP: Bob & Doug McKenzie — Great White North

Bob & Doug McKenzie
 Great White North 

Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas

Anthem Records


For those readers here who weren't around in the early 1980s, this LP (Long Playing) disc of vinyl sold many copies here in Canada, and a few beyond our borders. 

Bob & Doug McKenzie — Great White North was released in November of 1981, which is exactly when I snapped it up from the Sam's record bin, and it was a "Christmas album", especially so given its takeoff on the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas". Like many fans of Bob and Doug and their SCTV segments, I played Bob & Doug McKenzie many times. The first spin was all many of us needed to be convinced just how good it was as a piece of comedy gold all its own.

So, take off, eh? Pass me a stubby!

Postscript: At the time I was working at Molson Breweries, specifically the (now gone) bottling plant just off of Highway 400, in Barrie, Ontario. I was "Maintenance", and part of my job was to keep the fridges in the staff restaurant and executive lounge stocked with beer. So the record album really resonated with me, eh?

Bob: My brother Doug doesn't even know what 'resonated' means, eh?
Doug: I do too, eh?! Take off! Hoser!
Bob: Yeah, it's what happens to you when you inhale too much beer... in one gulp.
Doug: Geez. I know that feelin', eh?

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