Friday, January 17, 2025

Poster: Barren Ground Caribou Returning in 2026

Barren Ground Caribou by Joyce Wieland (1978)

As the poster says....

The City of Toronto Economic Development and Culture Division is collaborating with the Art Gallery of Ontario and the Montreal Museum of Fine Art to bring Barren Ground Caribou, the monumental public artwork by Joyce Wieland, out from behind glass! This remarkable textile will feature prominently in a celebration of the radical art-making of one of Canada's most influential and trail-blazing artists. Heart On is an ambitious retrospective exhibition of the works of Joyce Wieland that will travel between the Montreal Museum of Fine Art and the Art Gallery of Ontario throughout 2025.

Ms Wieland's quilt was showcased at the Toronto Transit Commission's "Spadina" subway station, more specifically, its Kendal Avenue entrance.

When I use that entrance I always at least give Barren Ground Caribou a glance. It's hard to miss the artwork due to its immense profile.

The glass display case looks so empty now. It is.

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