Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Cat Scratch Fever Film Review

Full disclosure: I love cats.

A few evenings ago I watched a British flick from 2016 called A Street Cat Named Bob.

Just about any film featuring, or co-starring, a furry London street denizen cannot be appraised by me with any clear and uncontaminated scratch. (I give paws.)

"It was great!"

A sweet film, directed by veteran Roger Spottiswoode, and based on a book of the same name by James Bowen about his experiences with drug addiction, street life, recuperation, and a ginger cat, Bob goes for the heartstrings -- certainly those of cat lovers.

Bob played himself. A fine little actor. (A Method actor, no doubt. He's a cat.)

1 comment:

Simon St. Laurent said...

Bob died two years ago... it made the news. Sweet kitty.