Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How Not to Win My Vote

Queen's Park - Toronto
Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his Conservative hipsters "clapped out" questions from the opposition yesterday. (What? Ford showed up?)

Parliament Hill - Ottawa
Conservative Party of Canada leader Andrew Scheer and his house mates yelled and drowned out Liberal finance minister Bill Morneau's presentation of the new federal budget.

Such behaviour is unacceptable in a representative democracy.

This patriotic Canadian claims nothing. I'm just repeating what I've heard.


DonaldAR said...

On a CBC radio segment yesterday, a political science professor used the term 'childish' to describe the behaviour of Scheer & Co. I heartily agree.

Simon St. Laurent said...

Andrew Scheer is not the right leader for the federal Conservatives. He's a poor man's circus clown. His calling for Justin Trudeau's resignation is clearly an act of desperation. Not for a moment am I defending the prime minister, certainly from what we know at this point, the little we know, but the whole notion of him resigning is grossly premature. Mr Scheer "knows" he does not stand a chance against Trudeau in an election. What could be easier for the Conservative leader than a charismatic man voluntarily pulling out of the contest?
