Monday, April 17, 2023

Film Post: Film Effects Artists, Toronto (1993)

L to R: Alan Peppiatt, Bob Yoshioka, Chris Ross, me, and George Furniotis.

(Missing: John Furniotis; Susan Furniotis; Brenda, the receptionist.)

1 comment:

Simon St. Laurent said...

That green machine on the left is a Moviola. I used it on a few occasions, one in particular being tests for a television film called "Bury Me In Niagara" (it aired as Ghost Mom). There was a scene where actress Jean Stapleton did some sort of transition by swinging her arms slowly while standing in front of a 'limbo' background; she then repeated the motion in front of another background, doing her best to match her previous one. My boss, John, supervised the shots during principal photography, and when we got that section of neg from the lab, he went over the material with me ― on the optical printer, I would dissolve from the first scene to the second.

First I shot a test on B&W 'slash' film. After processing the film on our in-house processor, I viewed the result on the Moviola. I then made an adjustment on the optical printer, repeating the process as many times as it took to make us happy with the final result. All that needed to be done was to shoot on colour stock (Eastman 5244) to make the final composite.