Sunday, September 29, 2024

Picturing: Working the Oxberry Animation Stand

The multi-talented visual effects artist/supervisor Francois Aubry works his magic on the Oxberry animation stand at Film Opticals of Canada, here in Toronto. I operated the company's Oxberry optical printers and would occasionally cross the hall to see how Francois was doing... on one trip I took a snap.

This pic contains many memories of working some long days and nights. On occasion, Francois and I would drop our 35mm film work at Deluxe Labs (on Adelaide Street) in the wee hours. One such occasion had us delivering film at 4am. After the handover of film cans at the service desk, Francois turned and made for the client coffee table.

Me: "You're having coffee at this hour?!"
Francois: "It's good to have coffee at this time. It's the 'time of the liver'."
Me: "If I had coffee now I'd be up till our shift tomorrow!"

Film workers....

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