Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Picturing: A Bay Street Video Store Visit Today

I hadn't been by Bay Street Video in a few months, since the summer, but a visit to Toronto's most superb video store is essential for any movie (and television) lover — me making infrequent trips there is odd given the fact that I live just minutes away.

The selection of titles is something to behold; the store staff is knowledgeable and always helpful. Suspect Video is long gone, making BSV my go-to store of this type. It certainly is when a friend of mine visits from out of town. (Sometimes I think I'm more a bonus feature than the main show.)

In keeping with excellent customer service and support, they will order-in a title if they are out of stock... or wouldn't have it in stock. The pleasant lady who served me today was quick and enthusiastic in fulfilling my request for a certain Blu-ray boxed set.

When in Toronto, make sure to visit Bay Street Video. It's on, no surprise, Bay Street, on the west side, just south of Bloor Street West.

(The TTC subway station "Bay" is just north of Bloor, on the west side of Bay Street.)

1 comment:

DonaldAR said...

Your post makes me nostalgic for the (brick & mortar) Suspect Video days, although they appear to be alive & well on the Interwebs @
Also; came across this interesting (undated) article: (

Sorry, my http skills are far too ossified to embed these links properly.