Tuesday, January 28, 2025

On Imminent Peril

Hot off the press:

"It is an incontrovertible truth that the civil institutions of the United States of America have been seriously affected, and that they now stand in imminent peril from the rapid and enormous increase of the body of residents of foreign birth, imbued with foreign feelings, and of an ignorant and immoral character, who receive, under the present lax and unreasonable laws of naturalization, the elective franchise and the right of eligibility to political office."

When was the above written? It was part of a speech given in Philadelphia at the first national convention of the Native American Party. The event was held in the year 1845.

While the quote may give one the impression it comes from the pen of Donald Trump, it reads as a little too articulate to be ascribed to such a simple guy... and there's punctuation.

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