Back on October 2, 2009 I posted a brief story about my days and workmates at Film Effects Toronto. Attached was a photo I had taken in November of 1993.
I'm the well-dressed bloke. Sorry, the one kneeling.
Yes of course. George was such a great guy. I brought him a few incredibly good clients and they did a very nice job on all accounts. They also had the very first scanner in town, a 3k scanner specially designed for super-16 blow-ups. If I remember well. Thanks for bringing this up.
Yes of course. George was such a great guy. I brought him a few incredibly good clients and they did a very nice job on all accounts. They also had the very first scanner in town, a 3k scanner specially designed for super-16 blow-ups. If I remember well.
Thanks for bringing this up.
George was a great guy. He was my 'opticals' guru.
I remember when we took receipt of an SGI "Indigo2" in early 1994. The forces of technological change were happening.
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