Friday, December 24, 2021

It Was How Many Christmas Eves Ago?

Christmas' in then West Germany were pretty awesome. Not only do the Germans love to celebrate the season, but they open their presents not on Christmas Day, but on Christmas Eve. This then kid loved it.

We Canadians living in German towns and villages followed the homeland tradition of unwrapping on the 25th, but when our gift-bearing landlord visited us the evening before, the proper thing to do was to open up right there and then.

Above is what I received on December 24th, 1969.

The embossed label underneath the Matchbox vehicle reads:

Made in England by Lesney
Models of Yesteryear
1911 Daimler

Sweet memories.


DonaldAR said...

That's awesome! Do you still have this? Surely a collectors item now.

Simon St. Laurent said...

Sure do... took that picture minutes before I uploaded the post.