Thursday, April 19, 2018

Tonight, No Contest

The voices on my radio are telling me the Toronto Maple Leafs are up against the Boston Bruins tonight. It's game four; the Bruins are up two games to one.

I'm going to watch it. No. No need.

This DVD sounds more enticing; the plotline, far less predictable: England is Mine. It's about some guy named Morrisey. I've heard of him but know next to nothing about him. A clean slate. Excellent.

I know way too much about the Leafs, which means I know how it's all going to end for them.


DonaldAR said...

I don't think you have a radio - Those voices might be in your head! Oh! By the way: the Boys in blue are bringing it back to town on Monday! Round 2, here we come!

Simon St. Laurent said...

You got it! My first draft read as "The voices in my radio...".

The Bruins will be victorious and will banish the surviving Leafs to the lions. Which breed of lion needs satiation the most, the 'Toronto' or the 'Boston'? That is the only remaining question.