This evening I relaxed on my balcony with a good book. As I read away I noticed a black blob moving by, right beside my right foot. Refocus. That's a big bug!
"Three and one half centimetres, approximately." (I measured as he stumbled along.)
He walked along my balcony, seemingly on a trip to somewhere: to my neighbour's territory. Back he came. That I did not mind, although I questioned why my balcony was such a draw. But I was worried about shifting my foot and accidently killing or injuring my enthusiastically friendly visitor.
I grabbed my camera and took some snaps.
Even better: Video! There's drama in that monsterly stomp!
That's it: I'll track the clip with some Ronald Stein!
I find, if one is squicked by a moving insect, that imagining some sort of light dum-de-dum music accompanying it actually makes it look more pleasant. It's an amusing effect.
Play the Benny Hill theme.
By the way, that's a Scarab Beetle.
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