Wednesday, June 10, 2020

All Politicians Are Not That Bad

Today I had news-radio on as I worked: it was important that I hear the fallout from yesterday's Ontario provincial election.

People were asked via "streeters" if they voted, and if they did not, why not. I heard the old excuse: It wouldn't make a difference, anyway; they're all corrupt/useless/bad.

A few years ago I read Toronto-based author Nino Ricci's absorbing biography Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Trudeau Sr thought Ottawa (Canada's capital city) was staffed with useless and corrupt politicians and had no use for that town....until he began to work there in a minor capacity. He realized then that there were in fact a lot of good people trying to make a difference.

Ditto: London; Paris; Berlin; Washington, D.C.; and on....


Originally posted as "The Common Excuse Is: All Politicians Are Bad" on June 8, 2018.

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