Wednesday, October 21, 2020

It Was One Year Ago Today

Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party of Canada swept back into power (stayed put) a year ago today. He was counted out; not supposed to win given the mighty scandals he and his cronies faced since taking power back in October of 2015.

This time around it was a "minority" government, not the "majority" of five years ago. I had predicted that the Liberals would again win the top office, but, remembering Pierre Trudeau's squeaking-in of 1972, my feeling was son Justin would pull off something similar. His win was most convincing.

And the Conservatives -- with no real leader -- are bitter to this day. They can't seem to do anything right....not even score on an "open net".

The NDP (New Democratic Party) was just a no-show.

Maxime Bernier, and his LOL "People's Party of Canada", was, as a German might say: "Núll."

Mr Trudeau will face a confidence vote in the House of Commons today. If passed, we Canadians could be forced back to the polls very soon....

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