A bad habit of mine is reading too many books simultaneously. As a general rule, there are three books on my coffee table at any one time.
A certain furor from the last couple of days will soon add another:
Fire and Fury - Inside the Trump White House (Wolff)
The book's publicist, D.J. Trump, calls it a "must read".
I have Fire and Fury on order at Amazon and am expecting it any day since the publisher has already released it in the US. Dominic and I are planning on reading it at the same time but I'll be afraid to put it down in case he grabs it and won't let go. Apparently it's a real page turner and hard to put down !
I don't usually run out to buy a current 'hot' book (which I would normally wait to grab at the library), but I must admit that "Fire and Fury" teases me. If Grand Trump would just shut his mouth for once, I might not be so tempted to read Mr Wolff's effort.
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