Wednesday, August 26, 2020

I'm Anarkyvist: NBC Today on Jerry Goldsmith 1983

In early 2011 I felt it was time to start digitizing my VHS collection of over 200 tapes. To YouTube I went and signed up under the improbable and somewhat mysterious name of "Anarkyvist". The project got off to a good start, but after the initial volley, I seemed to lose interest while gaining other convenient distractions. It's time to go back to those VHS boxes and the conversion process, but for now I will take a look back here on this blog....

I taped the above off of the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) in 1983. At the time they had a half-hour entertainment-news program, the name of which I've since forgotten, not unlike Entertainment Tonight. This story, on veteran Hollywood composer Jerry Goldsmith, was filed by reporter Jim Brown for NBC's Today. The CBC picked-up the segment for their own show (the NBC satellite feed, or whatever it was, was fraught with interference).

Interesting that Poltergeist, which was released the year before, is labelled as a Steven Spielberg movie. What happened to Tobe Hooper? There is an error in the story: the narration mentions that Goldsmith worked on the original Twilight Zone television series (he did), and that he incorporated its theme tune, written by "Bernard Herrmann", into his score for the 1983 Spielberg-produced TZ feature film. "Marius Constant" would be more correct.

Hollywood reporter Brown was a big Goldsmith fan, hence multiple reports over the years on the movie music man. (Soon I'll have another.)

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