Wednesday, January 29, 2020

From the Super Ego: Number Nine (What a Card)

I’ve seen a few lists regarding ‘best of’ from last year. This helped me look inward, towards this blog. What are the postings that gave me the most pleasure, whether due to a later re-read, which I almost never do, and feedback, either through comments or hit-counts? (All those hits make writing and posting rewarding.)

Film Opticals of Canada Ltd. closed its doors in 2005, but it lives on for me in business card form. During my years there we produced titles and optical effects for films such as The Sweet Hereafter (1997), American Psycho (2000), and Ararat (2002).

I was one of two optical printer/camera operators. Those days! And late nights.

Of course, what "Film Ops" did then we can now do on a computer in our basement. Faster, cheaper, and with a heck of a lot less (potential) stress.


The above was originally posted as "Film Opticals of Canada Ltd. Business Card" on June 2.

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