This atheist must keep an open mind, always. Right now I'm reading Toronto-based author Michael Coren's The Rebel Christ (2021). I actually bought the book last October, and read its "Introduction", but my reading queue is always pages long ― meaning it had to wait in line. The Rebel Christ is more than good, even at just a couple of chapters in....
The writer quotes G.K. Chesterton: "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried."
As readers here may have heard, members of the Christian right have been going barmy over the Reverend Coren's work. I doubt they've even read The Rebel Christ, or perhaps some have but find its reaffirmation of Christ's message of peace and love to be rebarbative.
Before I go back to coffee and reading, I must add: The author maintains a good sense of humour as he addresses certain concerns. This sent me funny....
"Personally, I prefer a nice card, a box of chocolates, and some roses."
Mr. Coren has undergone a remarkable change in attitude. At one time, he often came across as a rigid right-winger. Old-timers (like me) remember a time when the opinionated good Reverend - a regular Toronto Sun contributor (columnist?) - was a staunch unProgressive Conservative apologist.
You got it. He was pretty bad at times. I won't go into specific memories right now, and I do have a few, but it is nice that he changed for the better.
The best part is, he's been public about how he wasn't always a good person. His story of transformation is quite interesting.
Thanks for the comment!
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