Johnny Shortwave is a black-and-white feature length film that was shot in late 1988 and early 1989.
Early in the design phase I grabbed a stick of charcoal and quickly whipped up what I called an "Atmosphere Sketch". As depicted in the screenplay, the future is not rosy in more ways than one, which is what I tried to convey in the drawing.
I'll have more material from
Johnny Shortwave very soon....
Says it was from 1996 on IMDB and nothing on youtube. Must have been a slog for the producers.
The interesting thing is when I was in "opticals", and started at Film Opticals of Canada, I ended up working on the titles for the film -- this was November of 1994. Actually, while I was employed at Film Effects (Toronto) a couple of years earlier I was involved with compositing some of the montage optical sections.
Throughout much of the summer of 1988 I worked with producers Michael Bockner and Peter Boboras on a treatment for a science fiction film idea. The project morphed into Johnny Shortwave. Mike took it from there; he was driven on that screenplay. He had a clear vision, which really came through in the montage sequences I mentioned above. (I had no involvement with the "Shortwave" story or script.)
Sorry, I had no intention of sounding like some sort of Forrest Gump.
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