Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Forty-One to What?....

Minutes ago I joined TVO's public affairs program The Agenda in progress....

Host Steve Paikin had a few guests at the table. The subject seemed to be about children in sports. Paikin turned to the lady sitting to his right and said something like this: "There was a case last October where a Cambridge hockey team made up of a bunch of eight-year-olds played a team from another town and won the game by a score of forty-one to nothing."

A look of concern passed back and forth between the woman and the host.

I thought: "What? How is that possible? Were they playing the Leafs?"


steve paikin said...

That's not funny!

Simon St. Laurent said...

Your journalistic skills, sir, are matchless. I'm a proud TVO supporter, mainly because of your exceptional program. But I think Hamilton so desperately needs an NHL franchise....

Jon said...

Well, now, they need to start somewhere realistic. Maybe six-year-olds?

Simon St. Laurent said...


You know your skill levels. Yeah, six-year-olds, too, are just learning to skate.